We all want to experience the life-changing power of faith. But many times, it just doesn’t happen. Lorica Ministries is here to help you learn practical steps to make a deeper connection with God, no matter where you on your spiritual journey.

Schedule a FREE call with Doug Rumford, author of SoulShaping® and developer of The SoulShaping® Experience, to start your journey today

Feeling spiritually drained is so discouraging.

You’re ready for a change

You want to become spiritually alive again, but you don’t know where to start.

You sometimes feel you're missing something and want more

Feelings of frustration or guilt can be signs that you are longing for more. You know there’s much more to life, but you’re not sure how to get there.

Good news, there’s hope!

God wants you to experience the best life possible. Jesus didn't die for us to remain unchanged. Jesus died so we can have a deepening relationship with God and experience the life-changing power of faith.

How to get started:

Schedule a Free Call

Schedule a FREE call with Doug Rumford, developer of The SoulShaping® Experience, to start your journey today.

Read the SoulShaping® Book

Not ready to book a call yet? No problem. Checkout the SoulShaping® book and SoulShaping® Journal.

Take the “10 Symptoms of Soul Neglect Assessment.”

Don’t forget to take advantage of the Free assessment.

Why work with Doug?

“As a husband, father, grandfather, pastor, and author, I understand the pressure of continual and conflicting demands we all feel. While we may desire a deeper connection with God, it can be challenging to find the time and take practical steps to achieve this goal. I’m excited to share what I’ve learned from discipling, coaching and mentoring hundreds of staff, church leaders, and members.”


Over 44 years of pastoral ministry.

Highly regarded conference speaker, seminar leader, and organizational development consultant.


Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees

Certified in Life and Leadership Coaching and Consulting.


Published author whose 7 books and Bible projects that have sold over 300,000 copies.


for Individuals & Groups


For Individuals

Doug Rumford’s SoulShaping® presents a readily accessible approach to the spiritual practices that have nurtured God’s people across the centuries.

The SoulShaping® (Second Edition) book combined with the SoulShaping® Journal provide clear self-guided teaching that is Christ-centered, biblically based, and practical. They guide readers to:

  • Diagnose their spiritual condition by assessing the primary Symptoms of Soul Neglect.
  • Develop their personal vision for spiritual vitality.
  • Discover God’s pathways for spiritual vitality with the Five Vital Signs of Spiritual Health and complementary spiritual disciplines for each.
  • Discern their personal plan for spiritual vitality tailored to the season in their spiritual life and soul condition.
  • Devote themselves to spiritual vitality.

Use SoulShaping® as a primary resource on your spiritual journey.

The SoulShaping®

For Small Groups

The SoulShaping®Experience is not “just another program.” The SoulShaping® Experience provides the opportunity to ignite a movement of Christian spiritual vitality in your life, your group, and your congregation or organization.

The Good News of abundant life in Jesus Christ spreads as Jesus’ followers experience the transforming power of spiritual vitality and share what they’ve experienced with others who share with others.

The SoulShaping® Experience for Small Groups provides resources for a ten-week season of accelerated spiritual growth. We define a small group as up to 15 people. The package includes:

Ten videos (each one about 7-8 minutes long) that accompany the 10 Weeks of the SoulShaping® Journal and readings in SoulShaping® (Second Edition): From Soul Neglect to Spiritual Vitality. Each video is used to open and close a small group gathering. Here’s the link for a sample of the video.

Ten Weekly Discussion Guides to facilitate group exploration and conversation. Here’s a sample.

  • A Small Group Introductory Video which is shared with the group so they can view it prior to the first gathering.
  • A Leader’s Orientation video for the group facilitator.
  • The SoulShaping® Experience for Small Groups package is a “turnkey” resource that anyone can easily facilitate. The purchase of the package includes an access code that licenses the group facilitator to use the videos and to access, print, and/or distribute up to 15 copies of the Weekly Discussion Guides.

The SoulShaping®

For Congregations

Play Video

In addition to the personal study of SoulShaping® as an individual, there can be great benefit in small groups, congregations, and organizations going through SoulShaping® together.

The SoulShaping® Experience is presented as a 10-week series that equips God’s people to be fully alive in Christ by bridging the gap between a vague knowledge of spirituality and a vibrant experience of God’s presence, perspective, pace, power, and purpose.

In addition to learning the practice of spiritual disciplines, participants experience the life-altering results those disciplines produce so they can integrate spiritual vitality into their daily lives.


for Spiritual Vitality

Coaching helps you develop and maximize your God-given gifts and opportunities. The emphasis of “Coaching for Spiritual Vitality” focuses on recognizing God’s presence and call in the dreams stirring in your heart, so you become more effective and fulfilled in life and work.


for Spiritual Vitality

Doug is experienced and certified in leading churches and organizations through a complete process for clarifying their unique identity and setting their direction and vision. The emphasis of “Consulting for Spiritual Vitality” focuses on equipping congregations and organizations to recognizing God’s presence and call in the dreams stirring in their hearts, so they can minister with spiritual insight, strength, and effectiveness for God’s Coming Kingdom.

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